
Meeting the brief - How well did you meet the brief? Did it meet your standards of success?

I think I met the brief really well as I did all the work on time and I did the correct things and the things that were asked. I think that the standard of my success was pretty high but it could of been a lot better if I learned one of the skills a lot better as it didn't come out as good and to the standard I wanted it to come out to. Other than that I think the my success was good as I got it in on time and finished everything on time as well.

Effect - How effective was your effect? Did it fit in with the style of the film?

I think my effect was pretty effective as it came out really realistic in some ways and made it look like he actually is shooting a gun, the only effect that I'm not too happy about how it came out is the wire removal I had to do on the cans, the issue is that I didn't have a lot of experience and practice with the tool which is why it came out the way it did. I think if I mastered the wire removal skill then it would of come out a lot better and would of fitted in with the style of the film better. The use of the skill fits in the style it's just the result that doesn't fully fit in.

Research - describe your research process, how successful and useful was it? What would you do differently to improve your research?

My research process was pretty straight forward. First, I had to find the effect I was going to do, when I found the effect I watched a few youtube videos of where these effects are used in films which is almost in any action film that has shooting in it. I tried looking at how it looks and what I will need to do to make mine look realistic, I paid close attention to the actors and how they acted in the scene so that my actors could use some of the skills from the video and use it in my short film. After getting a feeling of how the actors act and how it looks like in films I had to go out and do some research on where I can get the props for it, I managed to the gun from a classmate that has one and was kind enough to let me borrow it for the time I was doing the project. After finding all the props I needed and making or sourcing them I then had to start learning the skill of creating a real gun effect. For this I spent a lot of time on youtube watching various videos that explain how to create the effect the best way and the best way to make it look realistic.I think that my research was really good and was really useful for me as I had learnt all the necessary things that are needed for this effect. The thing that I would do differently next time would be do a bit more research on the wire removal skill and how to master it as I didn't do a lot of research and didn't watch a lot of videos on how to use the technique and master it which is the reason it didn't come out as good.

The effectiveness of your workflow - What did you do well? How would you change it?

I think the things that I did well was that I managed my time well and I managed to do everything on time to a good standard. I never rushed any of my work and I also wasn't stressing about the fact that I might not be able to hand in my work on time. I think I also created a really good effect and I think that I planned it out really well as well. I think next time the thing that I would change is that I will make sure that I learn all the skills I need to learn and that I learn them to a really good standard and that I also have tested the skill a few time before starting on my final piece and using it in my final piece.

Scope of the project - Did you feel challenged? Did you stretch yourself?

Personally I think there was moments where I felt challenged but also didn't find some moments too challenging, I also think that I did stretch myself as I did something completely new and something I haven't done every before. The thing i felt challenged with is the same thing I said before, it was the wire removal skill which really challenged me. I also felt challenged at the beginning with the gun effect skill as I didn't know how to exactly do it, after a few tries I had a good idea of how to do it and was a lot easier than before. I also stretched myself as everything I did I never done before, of course not counting using premiere pro and after effect but the effects I had to create within those programs.

Management - How well managed was your time? How did this impact your final piece?

I think that my time management was really good as I was able to achieve everything on all the deadlines and was able to actually finish early with a piece of work I was actually happy with. I think due to my time management the impact it had on my final piece was a good one as none of the work was rushed and I made sure I had enough time to go over everything and improve anything that might need improving. I think the impact would of been completely different if my time management was poor and everything was done on the last day and rushed as well, I think the final outcome of my work wouldn't of been as good and there would of been a lot more things that would of needed improvement.

Autonomous learning - How did you cope with being self-dependent? What did you learn about yourself? Where do you need to improve? When were you tested? How did you overcome issues by yourself?

I think I coped really well working by myself and being self-dependant. I always preferred working on my own as I could focus on my work only and not have to worry about other people and their work. Being self-dependant allowed me to do what I want at my own pace and using the skills I want. The thing I learnt about myself in the project is that if I actually put my mind to something and try I can achieve something really good and at a really good level. The thing I need to improve on is the research part, I need to make sure that I find all the information and key points for whatever i'm dong so that I don't encounter difficulties when editing the final video and also when testing the skills. The ways I overcome issues by myself is I gave myself a small brake a took a few steps back to try and find the place where I went wrong and when I found it I tried to change how I did it to make sure I didn't run into the same issue as before.

Pride - are you proud of your work? What will you do with your work now?

Overall I would say I am proud of my work but of course I do think there could be things I would fix and improve to make it a lot better. The next step I will do with my work is post it on social media so that others can see it, I will try and get their feedback and see if they think I should change the same thing as I think or if there is other things, I will also see what they like about it and what in their mind stands out from other videos and projects they have seen.

Skills - What soft skills have you developed? What hard skills have you developed?

The main skills I developed in this project would have to be the wire removal skill and creating realistic gun effect and gun flare in post production. Both these skills I had to learn for this project to achieve good results, I personally think that I learnt the gun effect skill a lot better than the wire removal as the outcome was really obvious on which one I learnt better. The gun flare and effect I had to create in premiere pro which is a software I've used for pretty long now and was really confident when using it. On the other hand, wire removal had to be done in After Effect and I'm personally not too confident in that program yet as I have only been using it for a couple of months so I need a lot more experience within the program to master skills like this.

Future - What are some changes you will make to your mindset for the FMP? What are you looking forward to about the FMP?

The main thing I am looking forward to in the FMP is the fact I will be self-dependant again and I will be able to do things on my and no t have to rely on other all the time, of course I will have to rely on them at some point but not all the way through the project. The things I will change so that my FMP comes out different is that I will need to ensure that my research is done a lot better mainly about the skills needed as that is something I didn't do too well this time round. Overall I'm just looking forward to having the freedom of doing almost anything you want in the project and I hope that I find a way of including my passion of fashion in my FMP.
